
Python ffmpeg images to video
Python ffmpeg images to video

python ffmpeg images to video

Repeat until all sections of silence are exhausted Store the end of the next section of silence in a variable Write out a clip from the end of the last section of silence, until the start of the next section of silence, and store it in a list The logic for writing out clips works like so: I track when the next clip to be written out should start in the last variable, to track when the last section of silence ended. There are a few sanity checks using that to determine if a clip should be extracted yet or not. You will see there is a minimum_duration, that is because I found in testing that moviepy will crash when trying to write out a clip that is less than a second. So I want to add about half a second of padding to when the next clip is suppose to start to make it less abrupt. I noticed the jumps between the clips is kinda sudden and too abrupt. Silence_file - the file path to the file generated by the silence detectionĮase_in - a work in progress concept. Here I pass in 3 required and 1 optional argument:įile_in - the input file to work on, should be the same as the one passed into the silence detection scriptįile_out - the file path to save the final version to write_videofile ( file_out, fps = 60, preset = 'ultrafast', codec = 'libx264' ) in_handle. subclip ( float ( last ) - ease )) processed_video = concatenate_videoclips ( clips ) processed_video. That leaves us with the actual ffmpeg command:įfmpeg -hide_banner -vn -i $IN -af "silencedetect=n=$)". THRESH - the volume threshold the filter uses to determine what counts as silenceĭURATION - the length of time in seconds the audio needs to stay below the threshold to count as a section of silence

python ffmpeg images to video

IN - the file path to the video I want to analyze I'm passing in three arguments to this script:

python ffmpeg images to video python ffmpeg images to video

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Python ffmpeg images to video